I feel like I’ve been stuck in a box for 2 days straight. I haven’t seen the natural light of day, I haven’t breathed in fresh outdoor air in I don’t know how many hours. I’ve lost track. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not miserable or anything. The seats are comfortable, they recline enough to get by, the food is pretty good, and the staff is helpful and accommodating, but I am so ready to be out of this plane. I’ve been in this plane since 2pm yesterday (9/9/14 Tuesday), and it’s about 3:30am eastern time, Wednesday morning. We’re suspected to arrive in New Delhi in 8 hours.
I can’t imagine being on this plane as much as the staff is—it’s impressive the amount of time they spend on this plane dealing with difficult passengers and such. I start to wonder…Are they tired? Are they frustrated? Do they feel stuck like me? I’m so ready to walk somewhere other than the bathroom (ha ha). I’m so ready to sleep horizontal versus in this seat. I’m ready to see the outside world instead of staring at a brightly lit screen of entertainment and flight plans. As I look around, most everyone seems in a daze—either sleeping or staring emotionless at the moving TV screens before them.
I’ve been focusing on the negatives, it’s good to notice what’s going on around us. For example, we’re all in the same boat (or plane in this case). Each one of us is struggling in our own way. It’s hard to make light and think positively in a situation like this, but you just have to. Sometimes you just find yourself praying, “God, show me the positives,”and he does. Earlier in this flight, we had to make an emergency flight landing in Oslo, Norway for a passenger with heart conditions. The “Ambulanse”team came on board and worked their magic on him—then they took him away.
I’m thankful for a wonderful plane crew who knew how to take good care of their passengers to make them feel safe and at ease on the flight and during this time. I’m thankful for the meals they have provided us. I’m thankful for being a part of such an amazing opportunity where I can travel with the world with an incredible squad filled with loving people who care and love one another. I’m thankful for the world race staff who encouraged us and challenged us to be better. I’m also very grateful for all the prayers that are being said for us right now while we continue this adventure. Thinking about the positives really changes the whole situation.
There’s nothing I can do about my situation presently, but being positive in a difficult situation makes all the difference in the world. Only 3,120 miles out of 3,735 to go!! See you soon, India!
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LeAnna, What a wonderful lesson as you begin this journey – Focus on the positive! God is with you each step of the way. You will be such a blessing to all you meet on this travel. May you feel the prayers of us at home for you and your team during this whole race. Praising God for your witness!
Keep at it, Leanna. You’re doing great.
-Football friend.
Leanna, I enjoyed reading your blog. You are a very good writer. Perhaps journalism is in your future? I’ve heard you have been very sick and I am praying for a quick resolution so you can enjoy India. Take the very best of care.
Leanna, there will always be negative thoughts thrown your way, continue to push them aside and see Jesus in your situation! 🙂 Kris